Academic Challenge

Challenge is embedded in the culture at Pangbourne College. The academic philosophy is no exception, and pupils can expect a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum, aimed at promoting hard thinking and open mindedness.

As a NACE Challenge School, we believe in a culture of challenge in all that we do. Lessons are where we demonstrate this best and we ensure that every pupil gets an excellent, all-round education. Our lessons are those of high-expectations, where the bar is set high so that every child has the opportunity to develop and master each subject throughout their time. At the core of this is excellent teaching in every lesson, where expert teachers regularly assess and adapt to the needs of each pupil. 

Challenge in the Curriculum

The curriculum of each department at Pangbourne is designed to promote mastery in all areas. Our pupils are more than just exam takers; we want to prepare our children for the slings and arrows of the world. The way in which our expert-staff deliver our specification allows for this to happen. 

In a Pangbourne Curriculum, you can expect to see:

  • Navigable and Challenging Series of Lessons: Every curriculum must be accessible to all pupils, whilst challenging each one. The content is taught to every learner regardless of their ability, and we rely on our teaching staff to add context so that each child has the opportunity to develop an understanding to enhance their learning.
  • Rigorous Assessment: We build our assessments around the essential four pillars; purpose, reliability, validity and value. The progress of each pupil is recorded through various assessment methods which are planned into each curriculum, including at key points of the year where we can assess the entire year group to track for patterns and trends. 
  • Disciplinary Knowledge: Pupils are taught with the view of embedding mastery in every subject. Whilst of course the content is important for exams, our aim is to ensure that pupils can think critically, outside of the box and, of course, see the lateral connection between other subjects. 
  • Opportunities for Valuable Feedback: Every pupil is provided with high-impact feedback, with dedicated time within the curriculum given. We use evidence-based methods to maximise the impact of both individual and whole-class feedback, with the emphasis being placed on mastery.

Challenge Outside of the Curriculum - Introducing Devitt and Moore

  • In 2024, we launched our Devitt and Moore Award Programme where pupils have the opportunity to dive into a subject that fascinates them. In the Senior Award, they  complete a project over the course of a year, through a medium of choice, to celebrate all talents in the curriculum. The Junior Award however is a compulsory part of the Year 8 curriculum where pupils again pursue a mini-project in an area which is of interest.


How Do I Get Involved? 

Pupils in Years 9 and 10  select from an annually-changing list which has been designed carefully to allow for maximum engagement. They then complete a project over the course of a year that suits their topic. We understand that Pangbournians have a broad-range of talents and so pupils can complete the project through various mediums; it could be an essay, composition, artwork, video, website, and more. 

We understand that this style of learning and expression may suit pupils better, particularly when compared with exams and assessments for Scholarships. Therefore, extraordinary pieces can win prizes each year in the form of vouchers and books and the top ones can even be awarded a Scholarship. 

Contact Jack Sims, Head of Scholars, for more information.

It was most useful meeting the High Performing Academic lead - we hadn’t realised that you had this, and it’s a huge plus when comparing to more academic schools. He was great too, engaging and passionate about his work.

Donna Croucher, Partner, Global Search Firm

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