Equestrian successes in 2020

Pangbourne College Junior Equestrian Team qualifies for Arena Eventing Championships


At the end of October, four Pangbourne students, Isla A, Olivia, Izzy, and Isla F qualified for the National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA) Arena Eventing Championships. These will be held at the prestigious competition venue of Hickstead in May, COVID-19 restrictions permitting. It was their team debut at this style of competition which involves a course of eight show jumps followed by eight to ten cross-country style jumps. Izzy won her category individually and Isla A came third.  

Mrs Stacey Mackie, Head of Riding, said: ‘The course at this type of competition is very demanding for the rider. Part way through the course, they have to be more bold and technical in their approach. Izzy and Isla A did particularly well.’

Pangbourne College Junior Rider qualifies for Grassroots Show Jumping Championships


In spite of entering Tier 4 the night before, on the final Saturday before the Christmas break Izzy, Isla F, Thomasin, and Isla A performed brilliantly, at the National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA) Grassroots Show Jumping Regional Qualifier at Bury Farm. 

Isla F did particularly well, in coming third place in her class, ahead of 40 other competitors. She will compete again in the Grassroots Championships in April, COVID-19 restrictions permitting.

Mrs Stacey Mackie, Head of Riding, said: ‘Bearing in mind the current times, I feel Isla F deserves a special mention as she demonstrated her ability to be adaptable (changing horses at the last moment), resilient (getting on with it), and supportive of her team. Well done, Isla!’ 



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Equestrian successes in 2020