At the end of the Michaelmas Term, Director of Sport Mr Sam Hewick encouraged pupils to re-define ‘winning’ and focus on ways they can ‘win’ every day. To help them meet this challenge, the Sports department has provided a series of activities and initiatives to help everyone ‘Win January’.
Among the activities and initiatives provided so far, there have been daily sports skill challenges, weekly fitness challenges, and Sports webinars featuring national and international sports players, including ruby international and 2003 World Cup winner, Danny Grewcock. In addition, the Boat Club, led by Director of Rowing Mr Richard Follett, has created an Olympic-themed challenge: ‘Race to Tokyo’.
The latter was quickly seized upon by the most energetic members of the school community and distances rose fast on the Boat Club Strava page. These were achieved by logging any distances exercised on rowing ergometers (indoor rowing machines), bikes (mainly indoor ones due to the time of year), or on foot (both walking and running).
In just over three weeks, the Club had completed the required distance of 16,348km to reach the Olympic Rowing venue in Tokyo – a remarkable achievement. Rumours are afoot that the Club is planning to circumnavigate the globe before the end of term. Watch this space!
Mr Sam Hewick, Director of Sport, said: ‘The webinars have proved popular with parents, as well as students, as many of the lessons explored are skills for life, not just those who are keen on sport. Their aims have been to add a different layer to our sporting provision and we have been very fortunate to have had five excellent guests, so far.
‘Each webinar has been themed around a different aspect of performance, such as, mental health and wellbeing, overcoming adversity, strength and conditioning, and the key lessons learnt on the guest’s journey. As Lockdown 3 continues, this mindset has become even more important to our pupils. Students have been encouraged to take away at least one nugget of information or key learning experience, which has hopefully prompted some discussion and debate at home, too.
‘More webinars are planned for the remainder of this term and many topics explored will form part of our new Sports Performance Programme due to be launched in September 2021.’
Mr Richard Follett, Director of Rowing, said: ‘During the first lockdown in the Summer Term, Boat Club members really engaged with a distance challenge as we ‘Ran, Rowed and Rode to Rwanda’ and back, a distance of 19,000km. This time, with the lockdown coming straight after Christmas, it seemed an ideal opportunity for parents and family members to join in as part of their healthy New Year resolutions.
‘It has been fabulous to see so many people taking part with such consistent enthusiasm. It has also been lovely to see so many members of the College community joining the senior rowers for their Saturday morning Google Meet training sessions for the combined social and health benefits they provide. Long may the fitness regimes continue!’