Our Sixth Form General Studies class were delighted to welcome Old Pangbournian Pierre Coombes (1998-2002) as a speaker last month. Pierre is the Founder and Managing Director of Big Wolf Marketing Ltd. Describing his interesting and at some points challenging career path, Pierre gave pupils an insight into the world of marketing and recommended pupils choose happiness above anything else.
At school his interests were in Art, English and Drama. As he was unsure about what he wanted to study at A Level and university, he left school early and fell into the music industry, writing songs and touring. Although he was successful, he says that it was not a life he felt fulfilled by.
Through a job in Sales he ended up working for a software company. In 2014 he set up his own marketing agency which grew to become an international company with offices in the UK, Ireland, and the Ukraine. He has also set up a franchise in Australia with a school friend, James Fox (1999-2004). Pierre described marketing as the route to sales and an essential part of any business model.
Pierre commented that if he were able to talk to his younger self now he would recommend the following: never to be too consumed about what other people think of you; money matters because it gives you options and choices; and find something about which you are passionate and make it your career. When referring to money matters he recommended Robert T Kiyosaki’s book, ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’.
Looking back now, he wishes he had completed school and gone to university. He is now a passionate self-educator and recognises that those who are successful in business are very good at acquiring knowledge about everything they want to create and sell.