As part of a one-off Lockdown 3 project, some Form 4 GCSE Art pupils were given the task by Head of Art, Mr Iain Young, to explore their surroundings through the lenses of their mobile phones. They were encouraged to reflect on the work of particular photographers, such as Diane Arbus, Bill Brandt, Robert Capa, Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Weston.
Mr Young said: ‘Normally, I would have been introducing them to camera craft and editing techniques, but with remote learning this was impossible. As a result, I thought that they might try finding some aesthetic value in their immediate surroundings using their mobile phone cameras. I hoped the project would give them an opportunity to respond positively maybe to the circumstances in which they found themselves.’
By considering compositional factors such as focal point, format, colour contrast, and diagonal lines, they each learned a great deal about the complexity of creating a good image.
Mr Young said: ‘Given the fact that this was the first time that these pupils were engaging with the concepts necessary for a good photograph, I am very pleased with the way in which they approached the challenge I gave them.’