Preparations for the 40th Anniversary Falklands Commemorations have begun at Pangbourne College

We are honoured to be holding the 40th anniversary memorial service of the Falklands War next June. We have begun preparing the grounds for our very own commemorations. To provide the safest environment possible to our students, staff and guests, we’ve recently invested in our estate management.

Over Easter, work began on creating an open area to the north east of the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel. The work undertaken will maintain general upkeep of the grounds, plus provide greater visibility of the chapel during the service. With this, we can fully honour those 258 who paid the ultimate sacrifice almost 40 years ago. Forty-seven Old Pangbournians represented their country but mercifully, all survived.

We anticipate the 2022 remembrance will be a grand event, comparable to the 25th anniversary back in 2007. The 2007 memorial service and lunch welcomed a variety of notable guests, including:

  • HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
  • The then Prime Minister and Defence Secretary
  • Armed Forces leaders
  • Headmaster Mr Anthony Hudson (1988-2000)
  • Baroness Thatcher

To continue our annual memorial traditions despite the pandemic, this year, the college will be pre-recording a service. This will be available to watch over on our Youtube channel.

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Preparations for the 40th Anniversary Falklands Commemorations have begun at Pangbourne College