Sunday 13 June would have been the afternoon of the Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving at the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel at Pangbourne College. This year, there was a Virtual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving instead. However, we were delighted to welcome the new Falkland Islands UK Representative of Government, Mr Richard Hyslop, who visited the Chapel to lay a tribute to those who gave their lives in the Falklands War of 1982.
The College Chaplain, The Reverend Neil Jeffers, said: ‘Particularly at this time of year, we are so grateful for the close links between the College, the Chapel Trust and the Falkland Islands Government. The Chapel is a place of national memorial, yet at the same time, the living heart of a school community and those who represent the Islands in the UK have always been very supportive.’
During the Falklands conflict, which ended on 14 June 1982, 255 members of the British Armed Forces and 3 civilians died. The national memorial to the Falklands War is located at the heart of Pangbourne College because 47 Old Pangbournians served in that war and, mercifully, survived.
The Chapel was consecrated in November 1999 and opened by Her Majesty The Queen in March 2000. Annually, on the Sunday nearest to the end of the conflict, Falklands War veterans and their families visit the Chapel for the Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving followed by a lunch.
This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, there was a Virtual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving at 12:00 which is available now on Pangbourne College YouTube channel. Led by the Chaplain, the service included readings given by Robert Mason (Trustee of the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel Trust and veteran of the Welsh Guards, 1982) and Dr Cathy Dent (widow of Captain Christopher Dent, 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment). The Act of Remembrance was led by Lieutenant General Sir Hew Pike KCB DSO MBE (3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, 1982). The address was given by Abbot Hugh Allan O.Praem, Apostolic Administrator of the Prefecture of the Falkland Islands.
Conducted by Mr Chris McDade (Director of Music), the choir included Sixth Form musicians and staff (the Headmaster, The Reverend Neil Jeffers, Mrs Jenny Clubbe, Mr Alex Corp, Mrs Alexandra Garnier, and Mr David Metcalfe). Among the hymns were ‘The Old Hundredth’, ‘I Vow To Thee My Country’, and the Falklands Hymn. The choir sang John Ireland’s beautiful anthem, ‘Greater Love Hath No Man’ with solos by two members of the Upper Sixth, Andrew (tenor) and Poppy (soprano). The Brass Ensemble included trombonist Mr Andrew Thornhill, Head of Instrumental Studies, and the organist was Mr Ian Hockley.
Next year will be the 40th anniversary of the end of the conflict and we look forward to welcoming people back to the chapel for the Memorial Service.