OP Jess Rowe's Epic Journey Across the Pacific Ocean!
Old Pangbournians Rowing

In the next couple of months OP Jess Rowe (2010-13) will embark on an adventure of such epic proportions that more people have walked in space than have completed this challenge!

OP Jess and her team mates, Lottie Hopkinson-Woolley and Miriam Payne are attempting to row non-stop and unsupported across the Pacific Ocean. It's a journey in excess of 8000 miles from Peru to Australia.

The journey, which could mean up to 6 months at sea involves rowing for up to 15 hours a day while coping with waves of over 30ft, safely navigating shipping lanes and encountering Whales, Sharks and other marine life.  The girls will need to consume 5000 calories a day just to stay on top of the physical effort involved. There is of course a very important fourth member of the team and that is their fantastic ocean rowing boat, aptly named Velocity. The boat is fully equipped with the essentials such as food and water desalinator, navigation systems, survival equipment and solar panels to power the various systems onboard.

As well as coping with the perils of such an extreme challenge Jess and her crew will also be raising money for The Outward Bound Trust who use the outdoors to teach the most important lesson that young people can ever learn: to believe in themselves. The trust has long been at the forefront of outdoor education, empowering young people through challenging outdoor experiences that build resilience, confidence and leadership skills.  All attributes that are seen in abundance in Pangbournians.

Velocity and all her equipment has departed for Peru in a 40 foot container and should hopefully arrive in the country at the end of February, just ahead of the crew. 

We will of course be keeping you up to date with the teams progress but if you would like to find out more about their epic adventure then click on the link below: https://www.seasthedayoceanrowing.com


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OP Jess Rowe's Epic Journey Across the Pacific Ocean!