Sixth Form General Studies Lecture: Polar Competitive Team Expedition by current parent, Mr Paul Hog


Mr Jack Sims, Head of General Studies, and Mr James Bamforth, Head of Sixth Form, write:

Thank you to current parent, Mr Hogan, for a captivating and inspiring Polar Challenge expedition General Studies lecture to the Sixth Form. Those present learned about how, in 2004, he and a team competed in a race to the magnetic North Pole. 

Mr Hogan described the dangers of polar bears and being tracked by one for 10km; the challenges of extreme low temperatures and frostbite; and the importance of focusing on controlling the ‘control-ables’.  For those interested in doing an expedition of this kind, there were valuable tips on how the expedition was conducted and the training involved. 

Perhaps one of the most valuable life lessons shared was that of focusing on the things you can control, rather than on what brought you into that situation in the first place.

Thank you so much, Mr Hogan!

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Sixth Form General Studies Lecture: Polar Competitive Team Expedition by current parent, Mr Paul Hog

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