Exam success for Pangbourne College students as grades return to pre-pandemic levels

Our Upper Sixth students are celebrating their A Level and BTEC exam results today, after a culmination of two years of hard work and determination. Despite Ofqual’s decision to bring grades down by returning to pre-pandemic levels, the percentage of A*-C grades was maintained at 76%, whilst 47% of grades were A*-B. Additionally, there was a 100% pass rate for BTECs, with 79% of students achieving Distinction*- Merit.

At Pangbourne, we pride ourself on nurturing and supporting every pupil to flourish, both academically and personally, and the many examples of personal achievement today are testament to that reality. As a result of their endeavours, the large majority of our student leavers will be progressing on to higher education, with 66% of students securing their first choice university, and places at top tier institutions, such as Bath, Bristol, Durham, Exeter, Manchester, and Nottingham.

Senior Scholar Isabella is amongst the many Pangbourne students who are celebrating their successes today. Isabella gained A*AB in Politics, Economics and English Literature, as well as A grades in both Mathematical Studies and EPQ. She is accepting a place at the University of Nottingham to study Law.

Ethan Baker was delighted to achieve ABB in Geography, Economics and Psychology and will be reading Geography at the University of Liverpool.

Ethan says: ‘I was so nervous this morning, but I couldn’t be happier with my results. My mum was very happy too. I’m off to celebrate with my friends later today.’

Suzanne, another Scholar at Pangbourne, received AAA in Art, Classical Civilisation and English Literature. She plans to attend the University of Bristol to study a joint honours degree in English and Classical Studies.

Suzanne says: ‘I’m feeling relieved and also overwhelmed, but very happy! I’m really looking forward to studying English and Classics at Bristol.’

Mark Seccombe, Deputy Head Academic, comments: ‘In spite of grade boundaries returning to pre-pandemic levels, I am delighted with the fantastic set of results from both our A Level and BTEC students.

Once again, our students have impressed me with their committed attitude towards their studies and this is highly evident in their results - they should be very proud of what they have achieved. Congratulations once again to our Upper Sixth students, and we wish them all the best for the future.’

We would like to congratulate all of our Upper Sixth leavers on their results - you have made #TeamPangbourne very proud!

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Exam success for Pangbourne College students as grades return to pre-pandemic levels