We are pleased to announce that we have been accredited with the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) Challenge Award. Pangbourne College is one of only two independent Senior Schools with a Sixth Form in England to have this award. The award has been given in recognition of our commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.
NACE CEO, Rob Lightfoot said: 'Pangbourne College has worked successfully to attain the NACE Challenge Award. It has shown itself to be committed to developing an environment in which all learners are both challenged and supported to be the best they can be.
'The Challenge Award is presented in recognition of whole-school commitment to, and achievement in, providing effective challenge and support for all – spanning school leadership, curriculum, teaching and learning, processes for identification and tracking, extracurricular opportunities, strong communication and partnerships.'
Deputy Head Academic, Mark Seccombe, explains, 'We are delighted to be recognised for demonstrating a sustained and effective commitment to meeting the needs of our more able learners. This in turn will have a positive impact on the achievement of a much wider group of learners.'
Pangbourne will be part of the international community of Challenge Award-accredited schools, which will all have an interest in sharing expertise for the wider benefit of the education community.
Head of Scholars, Jack Sims, explains: 'This award recognises the hard work the College has put into ensuring that at the heart of the College’s offering pupils are challenged and given the opportunity to excel in whatever field they are working.”