The College community was saddened to hear of the death of Judith Marriott on Friday 19 March, aged 84 following a three-year battle with cancer. Judith was a member of the Board of Governors at Pangbourne College from 1994 to 2011. Her funeral took place in St. Thomas’s church in Salisbury on Thursday 15 April.
Judith served on the Board for 17 years, becoming a huge supporter of the College and serving as the governor with responsibility for Child Protection. On Founders’ Day 2012 she was presented with a retiring bouquet of flowers by grateful colleagues. In response, she said: 'During my time, I have watched Pangbourne become a truly caring school without losing any of its disciplined framework…It has been a real privilege to have served the school for so many years.'
Michael Allsop, who was Chairman of the Board of Governors between 2000 and 2013, adds: 'I very much appreciated Judith’s wise counsel, leadership and, above all, unstinting support towards getting the College back on to its feet and laying the foundations for what the College is today. I always felt that I could take advice from Judith. One of my strongest memories is persuading the Board and the Headmaster of the benefits of establishing an Education Committee. I had the support of the two educationalists on the board – Judith and Clifford Gould – and with their leadership and guidance, what a success this move has been. I firmly believe that it was at the very heart of the College’s recovery from the difficult times of the 1990s.'