Final Assembly of Michaelmas Term
Sixth Form Community

In the final virtual assembly of the Michaelmas Term, when all pupils and staff watched in real time either in their tutor groups or at home, the Headmaster's Cup for Academic Achievement and Endeavours was awarded to Illawarra. The cup is an inter-house competition and is awarded each term to the House with the highest score of effort grades, merits and positives with points being deducted for negatives and detentions accrued.

Distinction Prizes were awarded to 43 pupils from across the year groups. Academic Colours were awarded to four members of the Upper Sixth: Barnaby, Emily, Bella, and Georgie for hard work, English Literature, RS and Art, and Biology respectively. Music Half Colours were awarded to 16-year-old Daniel for completing his ABRSM Diploma tuba exam with Merit. 

It was also announced that 83 Form 4 pupils had achieved their Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze award; 22 Lower Sixth students had achieved their Silver award; and four members of the Upper Sixth (Emily, Aleks, Henry and Joe) had achieved their Gold award. The Headmaster commented that to complete your Gold award while still at school is a tremendous achievement and the successful individuals can look forward to an invitation to Buckingham Palace or St James's Palace at some point.

Seven Flag Awards were also given to Finn (Form 1), Max (Form 3), Reuben (Form 4), Lachlan (Form 5), George (Form 5), Olivia (Lower Sixth) and Bella (Upper Sixth). The awards recognise the personal contribution that these individuals have made this last term and the priceless, but vital, qualities which create the best citizens. The awards are based on the school's seven Flag Values of Kindness, Selflessness, Moral Courage, Initiative, Industry, Resilience and Integrity. 

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Final Assembly of Michaelmas Term